Monday, September 26, 2011


It is clear to me that the future is going to bring great seeing at the rate which technology has spiked up in the past 10 years. There is also no denying that soon there will be artificial intelligence which can sustain itself or even do a better job than a human. However it can be portrayed as something terrible as you see is some movies but as it says in the text "Maybe the artificial intelligence's will help us treat the effects of old age and prolong our life spans indefinitely." This just goes to show that technology can enhance someone’s life by so much and any technology used is just an extension of one’s self. Also the concept of humanity being lost is one which does not make sense to me as is humanity not what one makes for themselves. if humans manage to revolutionize the way that the body works wouldn't that just become the next stage of being human. So to me it seems like a very positive thing which is going to bring innovation to everyone's life and help them to recover from old injuries and illnesses and even prevent new ones from occurring. So if we can use the upcoming technology to improve our physical state to take us were our mind desires is that really taking away from the authenticity of being human because is it not in ever persons mind to become better and use whatever resources and technology available to do so. However there is also a limitation to this, which is far surpassed in the book brave new world as improvement is one thing to manufacture the right kind of person is something which should not be tampered with as it can lead to one loosing there whole identity and then just becoming like a machine, so improvement is great and all but we should never loose sight in the fact that we do all this improving so that we can enjoy our lives more and what kind of life do you have when you’re not in full control of your emotions and cannot decide whether something is worth sending time on for yourself. So with this i think Bernard is correct in believing that humans have lost what it means to be human in that book, which to me means the ability to think completely for one’s self and be able to carry out the actions and thoughts without having any restrictions from others.  

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